Monday, March 31, 2008

Bad Wal-Mart experience

I had a really off day today. I left for Wal-Mart about 11:15 after Colby woke up from his nap. I figured if I hurried I could be back for his lunch and then possibly he'd take a nap after. I got half way there and realized I forgot my cell phone. I had several Gerber coupons. I got to that section and was going through them to see what I needed. I had to get more of some things then I needed. You know like if you needed 4 for the coupon. I put the coupons I didn't need in his diaper bag and the ones I was using in my pocket. I went to check out and looked for the coupons in my pocket and couldn't find them. I had needed like 10 of them. I got her to void the Gerber stuff off so I could go look for the coupons. She kept everything at her register. I back tracked my steps and could not find them. By then I decided just to get all of it even though I didn't need it all. By this time it was like 1:00. I went to my car and kept him in the buggy while I put stuff in my trunk. I also had his stroller in there so I didn't have much space. I for some reason put his diaper bag and my purse in there first. Then I put all his food. I was holding my keys and needed more fingers. I didn't want to put them in my pocket because they weren't deep. That's prob how I lost the Gerber coupons to begin with. So, I put my keys on top of a bag in the trunk. Well I ran out of room and still had groceries. So, what do I do? I close the trunk to put the rest of them in the back seat. As soon as I did it I realized my purse (with my spare keys), keys, his diaper bag and his food are all in the trunk! Remember, no cell phone either. I went back in the store and told the lady at the front and she let me use her cell phone. Remember no money for a pay phone. My sister had a spare key for me. So, I call her and she doesn't answer. I call my Mom and she said she'd try to find my sister and bring them to me. It's pushing 2:00 by now. Thankfully I had my bank card in my pocket. I usually put it back in my purse. But, I put it there after I checked out the first time because I knew I was going to check out again for the Gerber stuff. Don't know why I put it back in my pocket after that. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised it didn't fall out. Anyway, they had a McDonald's and I got him some nuggets and a fish sandwich for myself. As we were eating my Mom showed up with the key. All my cold stuff was still in the trunk too. We finished eating and got settled. We got home at 3:00. I had asked my Mom to call DH when I called her to tell her what happened. He is on nights and I figured he was sleeping. But, he woke up before we left and I didn't want him to get worried if he woke up and we were still gone. I walked in and he never knew what happened. I'm so glad I didn't put Colby in the car while I unloaded. I wouldn't have done that without the air on in the car. But, still I would have freaked out. I wanted to be able to take a bath before DH left that way I didn't have to with being alone with Colby. He starts getting ready at 3:00. I asked him to unload the car. And he said I had time to take a quick bath. Well, I needed to wash my hair too. It took me 15 minutes. I got out and DH hadn't picked up the cold stuff. You know the ones that sat in the trunk that whole time at Wal-Mart. He said he needed to get ready. I needed to dry my hair still too. Plus Colby was getting tired. I picked up the cold stuff, dried my hair while Colby watched and Rowdy got ready and left. Then I nursed him and rocked him to sleep. Then I picked up the rest of the food, loaded the dishwasher and started it. Now, I'm here. What a day!

Colby was fine. Like nothing wrong was going on. He doesn't get out much and loves it when he is. He really wasn't complaining to eat. But, it was coming soon. He was getting a bit ancy in the buggy. He enjoyed the nuggets and juice. I put it in the straw with my finger at the end. I would let go and let him drink it that way. Good thing I have started letting him eat just about anything. At one time, not so long ago, nuggets and fries were a no no. I guess I could have went and buy more baby food. But, I wasn't about to go back to the back of the store for Gerber again. He was also happy to see Grammy!

2nd Easter/1st Birthday/Moved in!

I forgot to mention that he started pulling up in bed 1 week before his Birthday. He started pulling up on furniture the week before that. He started clapping and waving about that same time too.

Here's a Birthday picture.

His Birthday fell on Easter and it was also the night we moved into our new house! We went eat out at Golden Corral with Grammy, Nanny and Carroll for lunch.

1st Birthday Party

We had his 1st Birthday party at Chick-Fil-A the day before his Birthday since his Birthday was on Easter. Here is the invitation that I made on photoshop. I got the idea from someone on a message board I use. It has a picture from everyday he turned a month older (the 23rd of every month).

The cakes...

Blowing out the candle.





Worn out