Monday, August 31, 2009


I have not been doing to good lately. Insomnia has kicked in. When Brady/Colby are actually sleeping, I can't manage to fall asleep. My mind is just racing about any and everything. I looked up post pardom depression and I do have some of the signs. Not depressed or wanting to hurt someone or myself. Just insomnia, headaches, anxiety, stress. I don't know if all of this is due to lack of sleep or if ppd is causing it. I went to my chiropractor and she suggested progesterone cream, flax oil and fish oil. She said my levels are most likely out of wack. So, I'll try the natural stuff before talking to the Dr. She said I need to take care of me so I can take care of them. I also got a ocean sounds cd to replace the white noise (static) one. along with lavender lotion and a sleep mask to block out the light. I used it for 2 nights. of course last night you can't count because of Colby. He decided not to go to bed till after 1:30 so I was up most of that time too.

2 months

Brady weighed in at 13.11 at his 2 month visit today. That is 90 percentile. His legnth was 24 in. That is 85%. Colby was 11.10 at 2 months.

Still not sleeping like I would like him to. The last 2 nights, he was in bed by 8. He ate at about 12,3 and 6. Wold be better if I could actually sleep when he was.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Colby 2 months

Brady 2 monthsColby 8 weeks

Brady 8 weeks


Friday, August 7, 2009

6 weeks

Took him to the Dr. on 8-4 and he weighed 11lbs 4oz. He started smiling at 5.5 weeks.

5 weeks

I had my follow up appointment on 7-29 so I took Brady to the nursery to be weighed. He was 10lbs 12oz. Take off a couple of oz for diaper and clothes. So, probably 10lbs 10oz.

Him and Aunt Cathy.

1 month

4 weeks

Their MaMa and cousins.

3 weeks