Sunday, July 29, 2007


We started him on cereal the day after he turned 4 months old. I used this guideline from the Gerber website...

Introduce just one new variety 3 to 5 days in a row before starting a new one. This makes it easy to watch for food sensitivities. If you suspect a reaction to a food, stop feeding her that food and contact your pediatrician.

After rice, try oatmeal and, if successful, try barley.

First Day
1 Tbsp. Cereal mixed with 4-5 Tbsp. of breast milk, formula or water
Second Day
2 Tbsp. Cereal mixed with 4-5 Tbsp. of breast milk, formula or water
Third Day
3 Tbsp. Cereal mixed with 4-5 Tbsp. of breast milk, formula or water
Fourth Day & Beyond
4 Tbsp. cereal mixed with 4-5 Tbsp. of breast milk, formula, water or juice (once baby has tried and accepted juice)*

We did this with rice cereal. We started with oatmeal last night. He is doing really good with it. I think it was too soon last time we tried (see baptism post) because his tongue reflex to push things out was still there. I think he does goo with 3 tbsp of cereal to 4 of formula. I will have to see how much he will take with his bottle feedings. I'm finally getting to use the formula Christie gave me! I give it to him after nursing in the morning (on weekends) and before nursing at night. I don't do it after nursing at night because he falls asleep. I will start letting daycare feed him with his first bottle. I won't have time to do it. Oh, by the way, it does not help him sleep. I'll be making another post on that.

Here's some pics from his first night.

Speaking of not having enough is fixing to get worse. Rowdy got a new job. It will be a big adjustment for us. He will be working 7 and 7. One week he will be 6a to 6p and the next time 6p to 6a. When he is on days, he will leave before we are up and not get home till about 7p. When he is on nights, he may be gone by the time we get home and he won't be home yet when we leave. I was used to waiting on him to get home so I could get things done. I will just have to figure out how to do them with him not coming home. You know like having to bring Colby in the bathroom with me while I take a bath. Bathing him on my own. Thanks like that that single parents do all the time.

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