Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here we go again

Not that you can read it but, it says pregnant!

This is how I told everyone.

8 weeks

11 weeks

Due date is July 3rd. I will schedule a C-section for the end of June. Although it looks like more, I've only gained 13 pounds. My doctor is happy with it. I weighed 118 when I got pregnant with Colby and 106 with this one. I game down with a stomach virus literally the same day I found out I was pregnant. What a joy that was. I'll post more later...yeah right when? A friend said I have to make a blog for the new baby too. I can't even keep up with this one.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

18 Months and picture updates

Playing in Mommy and Daddy's room again.

Taking a bite.

Below is the Dallas aquarium for our evacuation.

1st time at the park. I know we are such bad parents.

Above is his 18 month pic.

Zoo Trip

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Colby's first hurricane

Well hurricane Gustave was not only Colby's first hurricane to deal with but, also was the reason for his first over night trip out of town.

Thurs, Aug 28- We made reservations in Plano, Tx just in case we had to evacuate. It had been changing paths often in the few days of watching it. But, it looked like it may come straight for us.

Sat- We decided to leave at 3am on Sunday morning. I couldn't get Mel or Mom to come. I was hoping they would change their minds.

Sun- See earlier post about Colby being sick. It took about 13 hours to get to the hotel.

Mon- Went to aquarium.

Wed- took Colby to the Dr. then headed for Larose since they were letting people into Lafourche and not Terrebonne. Plus Mrs. Pat said that Issac had the AC hooked up to the generator so we wouldn't be hot. Carroll was only running his AC at night. We got to Alexandria and decided to stay there since the generator wasn't hooked up yet. Thankfully we found a hotel. In Texas it was $69 and there it was $129. But, we wouldn't risk possibly not having AC.

Thurs- Headed for Larose again. Stopped several times for another window unit with no success. Got there and the generator was hooked up but not to the AC. We were able to wash Colby's clothes instead. During that time, Colby was just in a diaper. Later on, the AC got hooked up. Shortly after, the power came on.

Fri- Still no power at home. But, we came to check on the house and it was fine.

Tues morning- Stephanie called to let me know that our power came on at about 9:00 Monday night. I went to work then came home for lunch to mop. We found ants that needed to be dealt with. Then I went back to work.

Wed- Slept at home with power again.

Thurs- Slept at home with power. That is until 4am when it went out. Rowdy lit candles which made to smoke alarm go off. Which woke up Colby.

Fri- Power was still out so we went stay at Mel's. Kept watching HTV's IKE coverage of water coming up.

Sat- Still no power so slept at Mel's again.

Sun- Stephanie called at 11:30 to say we had power back. I decided to let Colby nap at Mel's and leave after. I called Stephanie just to make sure it was still on before I packed up the cold stuff. She said it had just went out. Then she called like an hour later to say it was back on. I decided to home home but not to bring the cold stuff. Colby fell asleep early at 7:45. Power went out at 8:15. I put a battery powered light in his room. I went in bed at 8:30 with a light for myself. 9:15 Colby starts to cry and I know why. I see my light if off so of course his is too. I go put another light and rock him. 9:30 power comes back on. 10:15 put Colby in bed awake because he won't stay still.

Monday- Went to buy some things at Wal-Mart. The power went out right after I got there. Very annoying after getting wet from the rain in order to get in there. Came home and Mel brought our food back. This power on, power off bit is getting very old. Rowdy couldn't come home after work because the road was closed. Waiting to see if I have to go to work tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Colby has been sick

It started on Sat, 8-16 when he woke up with a runny nose. I was using the bulb thingie a few times. I also had some J-Tan Rx left over it is an antihistamine. He likes to suck his thumb and couldn't even do that. I could tell he couldn't breathe through his nose when I was feeding him breakfast. He would take breaks to breathe through his mouth. Something came out every time he sneezed. I went to the store to get some medicine and he fell asleep on the way home for like 10 minutes. I didn't get him to nap another nap till 3:30. He was playful though. I think the j-tan might wind him up. I put him down asleep twice and he woke up crying. I let him stay in the crib and cry the last time. I felt bad because it leaks more when he cries. I was just picturing the snot going in his mouth. But, he was so sleepy by that point and needed to take a nap. I used the ear thermometer and got 5 different readings back to back. Usually they say by the 3rd reading, it is accurate. It said 99.1 once. This was only like the 3rd time he has ever been sick. He woke up with dried snot all under his nose. He coughed some over night too. I don't remember him sneezing. He didn't go to bed till 10:00. Usually it is 9:00. So, when he got up I cleaned his nose but didn't suction it. He didn't have a fever so no Tylenol. I gave him the J-tan. I put some saline in the vaporizer and gave it to him after giving him his morning banana. Then I put some little noses saline in his nose and used the bulb to get everything out.

On Sun, I started with a sore throat. Then the runny nose started. I used to have bad sinus problems before I got pregnant. But, it may be a cold since we got it at the same time. It's like it isn't bothering him though. I on the other hand can't stand it. I don't normally take NyQuil. But, even if I wanted to that night. Plus it rained so the frogs were croaking up a storm and I couldn't wear ear plugs in case Colby cried for me. I'm sent Rowdy for the Vicks baby rub when he got off of work. Figures he was on nights.

Monday- I had to take the day off but, I still sent Colby to daycare. Tues- Rowdy started feeling bad.

Fri- Rowdy said he had bad loose poo 3 times that day. Then Melanie came over that night and Colby barely wanted to eat. I thought his throat may have been bothering him. Then Melanie got him out of his chair after he ate at least a little bit. She got him to the living room area and he threw up everywhere. She passed him to Rowdy and he threw up again all over him. It was a good 10 floor area he got it on. But, still, he seemed to be in a good mood. I moped, Rowdy striped him and he ran all over like nothing happened. We were concerned because of all the poo, barely eating and now this.

Sat- He seemed better and we took him into town. Fed him pizza rolls for supper and he seemed OK with it. Sucked his nose before bed and hardly anything came out.

Sun- He woke up crying at 5:15. I normally let him put himself back to sleep. But, I could tell that wasn't happening. I went to his room and he had thrown up all over his crib. It was the pizza rolls too. So, I called for Rowdy to strip the bed. I got him into the bath tub. He kept gagging up mucus. So, that told me he was still having nose issues. I figured it was getting into his stomach. But was confused because nothing came out of the bulb the night before. We started giving my something like Pedialite. Rowdy has his fantasy football draft that afternoon. I changed a poo diaper that got on his shorts. He took of down the hall as I was finding a new outfit. He came back in and sat by my feet in the closet. I look down and there is something on the floor. I thought he threw up again. But, there was nothing on his mouth or anywhere else. Then I realize it is a pile of poo on the floor. So, I changed his butt again and scrubbed the floor.

Tues- Mom kept him and said he still had loose poo. We never took him to the Dr. because he would go a few days being fine. All this time he was in a good mood and never ran a fever.

Wed- He didn't poo at all Wed.

Thurs he had it again. Once all over me!

We planned on leaving at 3am Sun morning to evacuate for hurricane Gustave. At about 9:00 he just woke up and I figured it was because we were making noise packing. I rocked him and he kept falling asleep. I put him in his bed and he threw up in it. I picked him up and there it went again all over the carpet! Rowdy said we needed to take him to the doctor when we got back. I started thinking we should bring him in over there. He threw up twice after that. I went to bed at 1:15 but with Rowdy snoring, I don't think I fell asleep. I was up with Colby so Rowdy could sleep since he was driving. But, I had to wake him up 3 times so I could clean up the mess on me and Colby. The 3rd time was basically snot that he threw up. So, I guess it may still be from that. I tried giving him juice and cold tablets after. But, he didn't want them. He fell asleep on me on the couch before he threw up. Then after the 3rd time, he fell asleep on me in the rocker. I sucked his nose the 2nd time and lots came out.

Wed- We took him to the Dr. in Texas since it had been going on for 3.5 weeks. Plus, we had no idea when clinics would be back open at home. He had started pulling at his ear. The pedi said they were fine. Just may have felt like they needed to pop. His throat was really red. Prob why he wasn't wanting to eat. She gave an antibiotic for sinus infection. Also an OTC for the loose poo.

Today is 9-11. Now for how he is doing now...he is definitely catching up on not eating much while being sick! We are still giving him both medicines. I want to note that I think the Vicks baby rub really helped. I will make a separate post about the hurricane situations.

Monday, August 25, 2008

16 and 17 months

16 Months and happy as can be.

17 Months and Game Day.

"Putting it" again.

Having a snack.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Here are some long overdue pictures.

Here he is playing on Daddy's neck.

Playing in the pool Grammy bought him.

Here's a few of him playing in Mommy and Daddy's room. Can't you tell he loves to play in there!

Him sucking his thumb while playing. Than "putting" it on the floor.

A new trick he learned.

Friday, July 25, 2008

miscellaneous updates

Wow, how time flew by. Colby is 16 months now. h some things about him.

He started getting to a standing position without holding on at 15 months. The next night he took a step two different times. He started taking more and more steps. At first he would take several and loose his balance. Then he learned to catch himself. Now he can run and turn around. He still crawls sometimes. He can do the thing where he looks between his legs upside down.

He is just learning to kiss on the lips and blow kisses. He is also better about doing bye bye. He will
mimic things we do and some sounds we make. But but not say the words. He babbles all the time though. He doesn't point so it's hard to know what he wants sometimes. Sometimes when I ask where his hair, nose, thumb, eyes and ears are, he does the right thing. He does shake shake shake with a toy when we ask him to. He knows what places to press on all his toys to make the music and lights start.

He loves to be chased and play peek a boo. He loves to close doors and turn off the computer. He likes buttons in general I guess. He likes to take baths now and likes the pool. He likes to watch Nick Jr. and playhouse Disney. He loves music and to dance. He's not really into books. He has just starting to like light switches.

He can play on his own and entertain himself. But, he likes for someone to be around. He is always following us if we leave the room. He is very loving and likes to give "loves".

He goes to bed at about 8:30 and wakes up at 6:00. He is a thumb sucker. I'm sure I'll have problems getting to break that habit. He started that at 10 months when we were staying with Mel. That is also when he started sleeping good at night. I still rock him to sleep. But, sometimes I put him in the bed awake. If he wakes up too early, I let him play in his crib before getting him out. He is down to 1 nap a day. Sometimes 1 hour and sometimes almost 4 hours.Oh, he holds his hair when he sucks his thumb too.

He weighs about 23 pounds. He wears some 12 month and some 18 month clothes. He has gotten 2 haircuts and needs another.

I'm fixing to buy him some Crayola things to see if he likes to draw. We need to get him a potty. I'm fixing to try to teach him how to use a spoon. He feeds himself sometimes but not with a spoon.

He is very focused and observant. He has gotten a little better about getting his diaper changed. Sometimes getting him to eat is frustrating. He does not like to get his teeth brushed.

I will post some pics when I get my computer working. Not gonna go into that story.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stomach virus/nursing

All this happened while we were still with Melanie. I just never posted it.

Colby made 11 months this past weekend. Boy did we have a rough time with nursing in the beginning. I had to have a C-sect because he was too big to come out. He had jaundice and they told me to supplement with formula bottles. Then he preferred the bottle over the breast. So, I cut out bottles completely. Then when I was going back to work, he wouldn't take a bottle. He would only take it from daycare. I guess that was a good thing because I most likely would have quit nursing him at that point. I didn't decide to definitely bf until I was about 6 months pregnant. Then I planned to stop when I went back to work. I just got a manual pump. Then pumping was going well and a friend gave me an electric one. Then I decided to buy the parts to make it a duel pump. I wasn't having enough time to empty both breasts with a single one. I was pumping way more then what he was taking in a day. So, I figured I'd keep on nursing til he got teeth. Then I started having problems keeping weight on. I thought I'd loose my supply and have to stop. He has always had sleeping issues. But, he has gotten better in the last couple of weeks. Before that he was waking up every 2 hours and wanted to nurse to fall back asleep. Now, he normally in in bed by 8 and up about 4:30. I was always worried that if I stopped nursing, I'd never get him to go back to sleep. About 3 months ago, he decided it was OK to take a bottle from anyone. So, I started giving 3-4 oz of formula before his last 2 nursing sessions before bed. About a month ago, I st oped pumping enough to last him all day. He takes 2 four oz bottles and a 5 oz. It wasn't a problem because I still had a back up supply. Lately he had been wanting to flip onto his belly while nursing. Then he gets mad because he has to let go. Silly boy. Sometimes he will not unlatch because he wants to suck and sometimes he won't stay on very long because he wants to play. I started having diarrhea at 2 am 2 days ago. I was going like every 10 minutes. I went to the Dr. yesterday and he told me to be on a liquid diet for 2 days. Colby was still nursing like every 3 hours. Yesterday I could only feed him like 3 times because I didn't have enough milk. I'm not in taking enough. Plus I can't keep down what i am in taking. I know most babies don't nurse as often as he was at this age. I think I'll be OK with it if it ends. He fell asleep while Rowdy was feeding him his bottle 2 nights in a row and I was OK. I think he'll be OK with it too since I had already supplemented some. All and all, I conquered many obstacles and made it way further than I thought I would or intended on doing. What an accomplishment for me! I will keep trying to nurse. But, since my supply was already dropping, I don't think it will come back. I was still pumping 3 times at work too. (another obstacle). I'm still having stomach problems. But not going as frequent. I hope Colby doesn't get sick. Another reason I want to continue nursing is so he can get the antibodies to fight it of if he did get exposed. It is definitely going around over here. He has only been to the Dr. twice for a sickness! I know I haven't posted much on here. I just don't have much time. I do come here sometimes and try to help when I can. I know a few of you have read some of my stories and responded with great advise. I don't think I would have made it this far without you. Such great information here! If you have advise or thoughts on this one, please give them to me. When people ask how long I'm gonna nurse, I always say as long as I can. To those of you who are struggling, don't give up. If you have your mind made up that you are going to do this, you can! Sorry so long and if I was rambling. I just finally had time since I'm home and Colby isn't.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

11 months old

I forgot to post his 11 month picture.

Sleeping better

I have not gotten up at night with Colby since he was about 10 months. Notice I didn't say he doesn't wake up. He will wine for a little while a couple of times most nights. He'll put himself back to sleep though. All I can say as to how that happened is I think he gave up on me coming get him. I got it through my head that if he eats and sleeps the same amount at the same times every day. Then sometimes he sleeps all night without eating. That he was not really hungry and did not need me to get him. So, how does he put himself back to sleep? His thumb! And if anyone thinks for one minute that I'm gonna try to stop that habit with him, they are sadly mistaken. I'd take that over getting up every 2 hours then going to work any time. I just hope that getting in our house doesn't mess him up too much. Right now his crib is in the bedroom I sleep in. I don't know if that makes a difference. But, I think he has been sleeping good for so long that the switch won't make us go back to square 1 for too long. He goes down for about 8. I nurse him to sleep most of the time. Then we are up for the day about 5:30. I swear I don't need an alarm clock with him. I don't mind the early hours since i have to get up for work anyway. Although it is nice when occasionally I can get ready while he is still sleeping. It would also be nice to sleep late on weekends. Last night he didn't go to sleep till 9:30. He actually did that one day last week too. But, that time it was due to a late nap. I think yesterday was because we had a busy day will new people. He has just started to pull up on furniture and in his crib. I try not to move to look at him if he wakes up at night. I don't want him to see me move. But, if I do look and he is on his knees or standing and it is after 5:00. I know he isn't going back to sleep. And when he is up , he is up. No nursing him back to sleep at that point. But, again, I will never complain about that after all I went through with restless nights. I thought I was going to have to stop nursing a few weeks ago due to a stomach virus that made my supply drop. But, we made it to a year! I'm worried about stopping though. the first thing I do in the mornings after he gets up is nurse him. It's also normally the last thing before bed. They say to only do cow's milk with meals. He doesn't normally eat breakfast at daycare till about 8:00. I don't have time to feed him like that before work. So, I don't know if I should try a milk bottle before or what. I also don't know how he'll feel about cold milk. He is not good with change. For example, sippy cups and big bath tubs. Sorry to get off subject here. I just had a lot to catch up on.

Jan 26...Colby goes down about 8 pm and we have to get up for the day by about 6am. Normally he is already up before then. I refuse to nurse him more than twice a night. Normally it is between 10 and 11 and 1;30 and 2;30. I stopped even going to him more than that. I just let him cry. I think it is normally about 2 other times that he wakes up crying when I don't feed him. I think he is to the point of giving up on me getting him. If I don't go by 5 minutes he normally finds his paci or thumb and goes to sleep. If it is longer than that, I may get the paci for him and turn on his mobile. It pisses him off even more when I leave. But, it doesn't last. If he wakes up before 10:00, I don't feed him. I never change a diaper at night. I don't want to wake him anymore than he already is. Normally he falls right back asleep when nursing.

Ouch Thumb

Colby had a blood blister on his thumb for a few weeks. I forgot to take a good pic of it. But, you can kinda see it in these. One morning I dropped him off at daycare and it was there. Then I picked him up and it was gone. So, I guess he swallowed it. I guess he has a strong suck to cause that. But, it is just when he is tired or sleeping. Yes, he sleeps at night now and I'm not about to take it away.

1st haircut

He finally got his 1st haircut. His sitter Stephanie did it. Boy did he fuss! What a mop he had before.