Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sleeping better

I have not gotten up at night with Colby since he was about 10 months. Notice I didn't say he doesn't wake up. He will wine for a little while a couple of times most nights. He'll put himself back to sleep though. All I can say as to how that happened is I think he gave up on me coming get him. I got it through my head that if he eats and sleeps the same amount at the same times every day. Then sometimes he sleeps all night without eating. That he was not really hungry and did not need me to get him. So, how does he put himself back to sleep? His thumb! And if anyone thinks for one minute that I'm gonna try to stop that habit with him, they are sadly mistaken. I'd take that over getting up every 2 hours then going to work any time. I just hope that getting in our house doesn't mess him up too much. Right now his crib is in the bedroom I sleep in. I don't know if that makes a difference. But, I think he has been sleeping good for so long that the switch won't make us go back to square 1 for too long. He goes down for about 8. I nurse him to sleep most of the time. Then we are up for the day about 5:30. I swear I don't need an alarm clock with him. I don't mind the early hours since i have to get up for work anyway. Although it is nice when occasionally I can get ready while he is still sleeping. It would also be nice to sleep late on weekends. Last night he didn't go to sleep till 9:30. He actually did that one day last week too. But, that time it was due to a late nap. I think yesterday was because we had a busy day will new people. He has just started to pull up on furniture and in his crib. I try not to move to look at him if he wakes up at night. I don't want him to see me move. But, if I do look and he is on his knees or standing and it is after 5:00. I know he isn't going back to sleep. And when he is up , he is up. No nursing him back to sleep at that point. But, again, I will never complain about that after all I went through with restless nights. I thought I was going to have to stop nursing a few weeks ago due to a stomach virus that made my supply drop. But, we made it to a year! I'm worried about stopping though. the first thing I do in the mornings after he gets up is nurse him. It's also normally the last thing before bed. They say to only do cow's milk with meals. He doesn't normally eat breakfast at daycare till about 8:00. I don't have time to feed him like that before work. So, I don't know if I should try a milk bottle before or what. I also don't know how he'll feel about cold milk. He is not good with change. For example, sippy cups and big bath tubs. Sorry to get off subject here. I just had a lot to catch up on.

Jan 26...Colby goes down about 8 pm and we have to get up for the day by about 6am. Normally he is already up before then. I refuse to nurse him more than twice a night. Normally it is between 10 and 11 and 1;30 and 2;30. I stopped even going to him more than that. I just let him cry. I think it is normally about 2 other times that he wakes up crying when I don't feed him. I think he is to the point of giving up on me getting him. If I don't go by 5 minutes he normally finds his paci or thumb and goes to sleep. If it is longer than that, I may get the paci for him and turn on his mobile. It pisses him off even more when I leave. But, it doesn't last. If he wakes up before 10:00, I don't feed him. I never change a diaper at night. I don't want to wake him anymore than he already is. Normally he falls right back asleep when nursing.

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