I had an appointment yesterday. They checked for dilation for the first time and nothing at all.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Colby had a couple of what looked to be ant bites on his hand last Friday. No big deal right. Then Sat and Sunday they got worse and looked like little water blisters. I called the pharmacy and they said to use Calamine lotion. Monday it was worse so I called the Dr. He said that it did sound like ant bites and put Hydrocortizone. Then Tuesday morning it was worse and looked like a heat rash on his arm. I took him to the clinic and they said it looked like Indian Fire. They put him on antibiotic ointment and liquid. They wanted to see him the next day. I took him in and it had gotten even worse. They said it was shingles. There was actually a pediatric dermatologist there that day. She said she had never seen it before in a toddler. The nurse practitioner said he had seen it once in 20 years. They said they didn't have to treat it and to let it run it's course. I said uhh no. So they gave him a different ointment and liquid. Tuesday night he woke up at 10:00 and I gave him Tylenol and put him in the bed with me. He was up crying like every 10 minutes till 1:00. After that it was like every 1/2 hour but not crying. I did research on Shingles and it said that you have to have chicken pox first. I couldn't figure out how he had it then. Then someone asked me if he had the vaccine for chicken pox and I said yes. Well that explained it. They inject the virus into you with the vaccine. So, that was how he was exposed and got it.
So, how's he doing? He still won't use his hand. But, it isn't slowing him down any. He is contagious so I had to take off of work. They use used to look like water blisters and they are more red blisters now. With less redness on the skin in between. The nurse said that they shouldn't pop and just scab over. When they do, he is no longer contagious. But, online it says they do pop. So, we'll see. At least it isn't his thumb sucking hand. He has been waking up way too early with all of this too. We give him Tylenol before nap and bedtime. Thursday he woke up at 4:50, Yesterday 4:30 and today 5:30. Hopefully he goes back to his normal 6:30-7:00 (if not later) when he is all better.
Day 4

So, how's he doing? He still won't use his hand. But, it isn't slowing him down any. He is contagious so I had to take off of work. They use used to look like water blisters and they are more red blisters now. With less redness on the skin in between. The nurse said that they shouldn't pop and just scab over. When they do, he is no longer contagious. But, online it says they do pop. So, we'll see. At least it isn't his thumb sucking hand. He has been waking up way too early with all of this too. We give him Tylenol before nap and bedtime. Thursday he woke up at 4:50, Yesterday 4:30 and today 5:30. Hopefully he goes back to his normal 6:30-7:00 (if not later) when he is all better.
Day 4
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Ultrasounds, testing and updates
I had an ultrasound on 5-6 @31.6 weeks. Brady weighed 4lbs 3oz. We were surprised and thought they would say 6lbs. I had one with Colby at 32.1 and he weighed 5lbs. Brady was in the 50ish percentile that day. They are also hooking me up to machines to check for heart accelerations. That is what MFM suggested. His heart is beating just fine and doing what it should. He is very active so it does accel. Don't believe what they say about anterior placentas preventing you from feeling as much movements. Or that at this point you don't feel the baby as much due to them running out of room. Just don't believe it. I had another ultrasound last week to check the fluid level and it was fine. Both times I saw him swallowing fluid with his little cheeks moving. We tried the 3D but couldn't get a good shot due to the placenta blocking his face. I had an appointment Friday and he has dropped 1 cm. I had a feeling about that because my belly seemed lower. I never dropped with Colby. She said it is still in the normal range. She had put me on an antibiotic last appointment because of the group B strep. I had had it before. But, before it was only a trace and they would just treat it at delivery. Well, last time it was active. The antiobiotic worked and last week it was just a trace again. Here's some profile pics.
First 2 were on 5-6.
First 2 were on 5-6.
3rd one was on 5-13 and 4th is also on 5-6.
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