I had an ultrasound on 5-6 @31.6 weeks. Brady weighed 4lbs 3oz. We were
surprised and thought they would say 6lbs. I had one with Colby at 32.1 and he weighed 5lbs. Brady was in the 50
ish percentile that day. They are also hooking me up to machines to check for heart
accelerations. That is what
MFM suggested. His heart is beating just fine and doing what it should. He is very active so it does
accel. Don't believe what they say about anterior placentas preventing you from feeling as much movements. Or that at this point you don't feel the baby as much due to them running out of room. Just don't believe it. I had another ultrasound last week to check the fluid level and it was fine. Both times I saw him swallowing fluid with his little cheeks moving. We tried the 3D but couldn't get a good shot due to the placenta blocking his face. I had an appointment Friday and he has dropped 1 cm. I had a feeling about that because my belly seemed lower. I never dropped with Colby. She said it is still in the normal range. She had put me on an antibiotic last appointment because of the group B strep. I had had it before. But, before it was only a trace and they would just treat it at delivery. Well, last time it was active. The antiobiotic worked and last week it was just a trace again. Here's some profile pics.
First 2 were on 5-6.

3rd one was on 5-13 and 4th is also on 5-6.

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