Friday, March 30, 2007

Birth Story
Colby Paul Compeaux
Born on 3-23-07
Weighing 8lbs 15 3/4 oz
21 inches long
We got to the hospital at about 7:30am and signed in. Before I was examined, they asked me if I was going to stay. Not knowing what I was getting into, I said yes. What I meant was yes, I want to get examined and see if I had progressed. What the nurse meant was we would induce if there was still no change. They pt me on the monitor. The Dr. examined me and I was still only 1cm. We had a long talk. I told her how afraid I was about the Pitocin (induction medicine) hurting me. She assured me that once the epidural was in that I would not hurt. I was planning on having an epidural anyway. She said that I could keep having contractions like that for several days. I wanted him to come on his own. But, by that point it didn't seem like he would. I decided that we'd just go for it. So, they started the drip at about 10:00. By 11:30, my contractions were 3 minutes apart.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I threw up before going in for the C-sect and again after he was delivered.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
He's finally here
3-19 continued- When I went to my appointment everything was still the same. I was so disappointed. My Dr. had talked about doing an induction on 3-26. I asked her what the point in waiting till then was. She said just to see if he'd come on his own. She said it was up to me. That I could go in that night if I wanted to. I was seriously thinking about going in during the week. I wanted it over with.
I started researching induction after that. I saw a lot of people saying that the medicine Pitocin that they use makes labor way more intense and draws it out. I started getting afraid of. I got to the point that I'd was less worried about a C-section.
3-20- I decided to go shopping with Mom to try and get things going. We figure we walked about 2 miles between all the stopping to go pee.
3-22- I went have lunch with Christie. Then I went to the chiropractor. I had been afraid to drive by myself in case I started having contractions. But, at that point I was over that happening. I started reading about how Braxton Hicks contractions don't necessarily hurt. Someone said they take her breath away. Well, I had been having the tightening and breathing issues just like she had been. I realized that what I thought was Colby playing was actually contractions. They were an average of 25 minutes apart and very irregular.
3-23- I called the hospital to see how far apart they needed to be before I went in. the nurse said 5-7 minutes for 2 hours. They were about 14 minutes apart at that time. Then I timed them from 10-11 pm and they were an average of 6.5 minutes apart. I called the hospital and told them. I knew it hadn't been going on for 2 hours yet. But, I wanted to call anyway. She told me to go back to sleep. She asked how dilated I was. I told her that I was 1cm on Monday. That since I only lived 20 minutes away to wait till they were 2-3 minutes apart. Or till I couldn't take the pain. They still weren't hurting at that point. I did lose my mucus plug at about 10:30. I managed to get a little sleep. But, got up at about 3 because my back was hurting so bad. From 3-4 they were an average of 5 minutes apart. I decided to call my doctor at 7:00 to see if I could go in just to see if I had progressed. I didn't want to go by Monday's exam. She said to come on in.
Sorry but to be continued...
Monday, March 19, 2007
I have an appointment at 2:15 today. I'm bringing my bag just in case. I can't wait to see what's (if anything) is going on. I really don't want a C-sect. But, I have a feeling he is too big now.
I slept a little better last night. Then I woke up at 6:30 and played online for like an hour. I went back to sleep and actually slept till about 11:15. I never got up to pee either! Sure I woke up like every 1/2 hour from being uncomfortable like I always do.
I will post after my appointment. Or better yet, they'll admit me and I'll post in a few days!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Today is my due date
Just to recap for those who don't know. I had an appointment Monday. I lost 2 pounds. But, the Dr. said that is fine. I was 50-60% effaced. That means how soft I am down there. That number was good. He wasn't engaged at all. I was still only 1cm dialated. Of course you can't go by any of that because some people are 4cm dialated for 4 weeks. Then others aren't dialated at all one day. Then have the baby the next. No, I still haven't had any contractions. But, you can't go by that either. Please remember that just because I haven't had any contractions does not mean I have not had pain.
I managed to go to the chiropractor today. My hips were way out of wack. She said he has a clear path now.
I slept good Wed. night and took a good nap Thursday. But, I can't seem to sleep tonight. I'm fixing to go try again. I just want to post this in case anyone is actually looking at it.
We still have some hope he will come today. But, it's not up to us. I know God will not put me through something I can't handle and he has a reason for everything. I know I can hold on a little longer. My Dr. wants to wait till the 26th to induce. I think he'll come out on his own by then. I just keep thinking the longer he stays in, the bigger he gets. Then the chance of a C-sect gets higher.
I will try to post when there is something to report.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Colby's stuff
The baby care cart is from Angela. I'm sure we will rearrange the things in it. But, for now, I put diapers and wipes at the top. Then Burp cloths, bibs and wash cloths in the middle section. Then at the bottom I put bottles/Nursing stuff.
The top drawer of the dresser has two spots for gowns and two spots for footed sleepers.
The next drawer has onesies and T-shirts.
Next one is hooded towels and socks.
This is a portable closet we had to get. Rowdy uses the closet in this room. I put all the outfits I have for him in here. Keep in mind all the clothes in the drawers and closet are 0-3 months. I know you can't tell how much there is by the pictures. But, believe me, it is a lot. As I said, I'm sure I will be changing where I put things once he gets here.
I put all his sleep sacks in the basket under the bassinet.
Here are the boxes with all the 3-6 month clothes in them.
Here's the coming home outfit Rowdy picked out for him. I will put a gown or something in the suitcase too. Just in case he doesn't fit in it. I found all the stuff to match the outfit. In case you can't tell, there are mittens, cap, burp cloth, receiving blanket, bib, regular blanket and socks. Most of them have giraffes on them.
The room for baby stuff/Storage room
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
So, here's some of my fav shower pictures...

Saturday, March 3, 2007
Better late than never to start blogging
Here's the Ultrasounds...
34 Weeks (My favorite) See the chubby cheeks?

26 Weeks

9 weeks

At the 33 week 3 day ultrasound, he weighed 5 lbs. Then I had one at 37 weeks and 5 days he weighed 7 1/2 lbs! So, he will be a big boy. I hope I don't tear too bad!
He has already let us see some cute things. At the 33 and 3 ultrasound, we got to see him do a thumbs up. Then I had another one at 34 weeks and he stuck his tongue out.
He is very active. They say how to count the number of movements to be sure everything's OK. Believe me, I don't have to bother with that.
Today I'm 38 weeks and 1 day. With each of my last few appointemnts, my cervix has been softening a little bit more and I'm not dialated. For awhile, I was in a hurry for him to come. But, now I'm thingking that he may just be waiting for his PawPaw's B-day to come. How special would that be!