OK, let me try to write this while I'm not
completely exhausted. I'm not going to get into that right now though.
Colby Paul CompeauxBorn on 3-23-07Weighing 8lbs 15 3/4 oz21 inches longWe got to the hospital at about
7:30am and signed in. Before I was
examined, they asked me if I was going to stay. Not knowing what I was getting into, I said yes. What I meant was yes, I want to get examined and see if I had progressed. What the nurse meant was we would induce if there was still no change. They pt me on the monitor. The Dr. examined me and I was still only 1cm. We had a long talk. I told her how afraid I was about the
Pitocin (induction medicine) hurting me. She assured me that once the epidural was in that I would not hurt. I was planning on having an epidural anyway. She said that I could keep having contractions like that for several days. I wanted him to come on his own. But, by that point it didn't seem like he would. I decided that we'd just go for it. So, they started the drip at about 10:00. By 11:30, my contractions were 3 minutes apart.

3:00, I got them to start the epidural. It really didn't hurt. I was glad that it took correctly with my
scoliosis. Right after that the Dr. examined me and I was 3cm and she broke my
water bag. O, I want to mention what was going on with all my visitors. At some point the asked what some of the numbers on the monitor meant. They were told
that as the number went up meant my contraction was at it's high points. So,
they were "experiencing" them with me! They'd let me know when I was hurting more and less. Like, here it comes...OK, you're better now. By
7:00, I hadn't
dilated any more so they put an internal monitor in. That was to see how severe my contractions were. Apparently some can can cause
dilation and some don't. She said she'd be back in two hours to check me. Then again two hours after that. If nothing progressed by then, we'd do a C-sect. I was not in too much pain. But, the epidural was really getting on my nerves. I had been used to tossing and turning at night in bed. Or at least adjusting myself. I couldn't
feel my legs or move them for a long time. When 9:00 came, I told my visitors to open the door and get someone. They didn't do it quick enough so I pressed the buzzer. The doctor was on her way in. I said it is
9:00. Everyone thought that was funny. She examined me and nothing changed. She said my contractions weren't strong enough. We decided not to wait another 2 hours...what was the point. So, I got prepped for the C-sect.

I had never heard any stories about a C-sect hurting. All the TLC shows about it never show them hurting. I don't know what made mine different. But, believe me
towards the end, I felt every pull and tug they did. The
anesthesiologist was right above my head. I was just moaning the whole time. He told me he could switch it to general anesthesia. But, I wouldn't know what was going on and it would take longer for me to recover. The
doctor had just said they were almost to the baby. So, I figured I could hold off. After what felt like forever, he finally came into this world. They got him cleaned up and brought him to me to kiss. I told him Happy Birthday and he was off again. They said he was so calm through all the newborn things they had to do to him. The doctor said there was no way he was fitting out of me naturally. After all my stitching and post-op stuff, I made it to my room. I was so glad I could finally feel my feet and eventually my legs.

So, what happened was exactly what I didn't want to happen. I went through the whole induction process just to end up in a C-sect. I kept telling everyone he'd be too big to come out.
They'd just laugh. They did the kind of C-sect to where I could go natural next time. But, they can't induce again because of the medicine they use. But, I would never go through that anyway. If no progress is happening, I'd do a C-sect way sooner. I don't know if they even gave me that choice. I really wanted to leave his Birthday up to God.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I threw up before going in for the C-sect and again after he was delivered.
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