Colby was good in the hospital. He was nursing really well. Then Saturday, they told us he had slight jaundice. They said it is common in breastfed babies. They brought him back to me that night saying he had been crying ever since they got him. They thought he was still hungry. He wasn't trying to suck on my finger or anything. But, they wanted me to give him a bottle. So I gave him a little and he passed gas and poo'ed. That was the problem, he had an upset stomach. They said he needed to poo and pee lot's to get the jaundice out of his system. Well, since my milk hadn't come in, I supplemented with formula. I made a mistake in not bringing my own bottles. The ones they had were nothing like breast nipples. That is what they call nipple confusion for him. They told me it was good if he was eating every 3-4 hours with getting the colostrum. But, to still try and top it off with formula.

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