Friday, May 25, 2007

9 weeks old...

He had his 2 month appointment today. He weighs 13 lbs 5 oz and is 23.5 inches long. He got shots and his foot stuck for jaundice again. He was not happy with that.

We put him in his crib for the first time last night. I had the monitor on high. It's going lower tonight. I never heard him make all those noises. Apparently it magnifies it. I kept getting up when I heard him.

He had been doing good with sleeping at night. Until the last 2 nights. He'd wake up between 12:30 and 3:30 then between 4:30 and 7:30. Point is only twice. He'd go straight to bed after bath and nursing. That is out the window now. Why now when I'm going back to work? Please let it go back. I never knew how it was that he slept longer at night. I was afraid this would happen.

This pic is from 4:45 Am. He his very happy at that time. I just want him to go back to sleep! His Daddy thought it was funny. I told him we'll see how funny it is when I go back to work and he gets up with him too!

He also is not napping. I rock him to sleep. After he's asleep for 5 m in I put him down and he wakes up after being down for 5 minutes. I put him down at least 6 times in an hour yesterday. It is really exhausting. I'm really worried about what will happen at daycare.

He loves his bath with the shower to it. That is of course unless he was fussy before we start it. If that is the case, we make it quick.

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