Tuesday, March 27, 2007

He's finally here

Yes, Colby finally made his appearance. But, before I post his birth story, I want to talk about what had been going on leading up to it.

3-19 continued- When I went to my appointment everything was still the same. I was so disappointed. My Dr. had talked about doing an induction on 3-26. I asked her what the point in waiting till then was. She said just to see if he'd come on his own. She said it was up to me. That I could go in that night if I wanted to. I was seriously thinking about going in during the week. I wanted it over with.
I started researching induction after that. I saw a lot of people saying that the medicine Pitocin that they use makes labor way more intense and draws it out. I started getting afraid of. I got to the point that I'd was less worried about a C-section.

3-20- I decided to go shopping with Mom to try and get things going. We figure we walked about 2 miles between all the stopping to go pee.

3-22- I went have lunch with Christie. Then I went to the chiropractor. I had been afraid to drive by myself in case I started having contractions. But, at that point I was over that happening. I started reading about how Braxton Hicks contractions don't necessarily hurt. Someone said they take her breath away. Well, I had been having the tightening and breathing issues just like she had been. I realized that what I thought was Colby playing was actually contractions. They were an average of 25 minutes apart and very irregular.

3-23- I called the hospital to see how far apart they needed to be before I went in. the nurse said 5-7 minutes for 2 hours. They were about 14 minutes apart at that time. Then I timed them from 10-11 pm and they were an average of 6.5 minutes apart. I called the hospital and told them. I knew it hadn't been going on for 2 hours yet. But, I wanted to call anyway. She told me to go back to sleep. She asked how dilated I was. I told her that I was 1cm on Monday. That since I only lived 20 minutes away to wait till they were 2-3 minutes apart. Or till I couldn't take the pain. They still weren't hurting at that point. I did lose my mucus plug at about 10:30. I managed to get a little sleep. But, got up at about 3 because my back was hurting so bad. From 3-4 they were an average of 5 minutes apart. I decided to call my doctor at 7:00 to see if I could go in just to see if I had progressed. I didn't want to go by Monday's exam. She said to come on in.
Sorry but to be continued...

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